See the Speech Sound Disorders Evidence Map for summaries of the available research on this topic.
The scope of this page is idiopathic speech sound disorders (SSDs) with no known cause—historically called “articulation and phonological disorders”—in preschool and school-age children (ages 3–21 years). Idiopathic SSDs are typically identified in childhood. Information on this page may be relevant for idiopathic SSDs persisting into adulthood.
Information about speech sound problems related to motor/neurological disorders, structural abnormalities, and sensory/perceptual disorders (e.g., hearing loss) is not addressed on this page.
See ASHA’s Practice Portal pages on Childhood Apraxia of Speech and Cleft Lip and Palate for information about speech sound problems associated with these two disorders.
Speech sound disorders (SSDs) refer to any difficulty or a combination of difficulties with perception, motor production, or phonological representation of speech sounds and speech segments, including phonotactic rules governing permissible speech sound sequences in a language. Not all language(s) share the same speech sounds as mainstream American English. For children who use more than one language or dialect, the rules of one linguistic system may transfer and influence speech production in another. These influences do not indicate an SSD.
SSDs can be organic or idiopathic in nature. Organic SSDs result from motor/neurological disorders (e.g., childhood apraxia of speech, dysarthria), structural abnormalities (e.g., cleft lip/palate, other structural deficits or anomalies), and sensory/perceptual disorders (e.g., hearing loss). Idiopathic SSDs have no known cause. See the figure below.
Idiopathic SSDs are disorders of the motor production of speech sounds and the linguistic aspects of speech production. These are referred to as articulation and phonological disorders, respectively. However, this page will refer to articulation and phonological disorders collectively as idiopathic SSDs.
Although the scope of this page is idiopathic SSDs, procedures and approaches described on this page may be appropriate for assessing and treating organic SSDs. See Speech Characteristics: Selected Populations [PDF] for a brief summary of selected populations and characteristic speech problems.
The incidence of speech sound disorders (SSDs) refers to the number of new cases identified in a specified period. The prevalence of SSDs refers to the number of children who are living with speech problems in a given time period.
The estimated prevalence rates of SSDs vary greatly due to the inconsistent classifications of the disorder and the variance of ages studied. There was also linguistic heterogeneity across the countries in which the studies mentioned below were conducted, which may lead to additional variability. Studies did not consistently report the linguistic profiles of the children or whether dialectal differences were considered for diagnosis. All these factors may lead to an overestimate of the number of children with a true SSD. The following data reflect the variability:
Signs and symptoms of idiopathic speech sound disorders include the following:
Signs and symptoms may occur as independent articulation errors and/or phonological rule-based error patterns (see ASHA’s resource on selected phonological patterns for examples). In addition to these common rule-based error patterns, unique error patterns can also occur. For example, a child might substitute many sounds with a favorite or default sound, resulting in several homonyms (e.g., “shore,” “sore,” “chore,” and “tore” might all be pronounced as /dɔɹ/; Grunwell, 1987; Williams, 2003a).
We all speak with an accent and use one or more dialects. Analysis of speech sounds begins with consideration of linguistic systems used. The clinician considers speech sounds, patterns, and rules that are part of the linguistic system(s) of the child. Heritage language(s) can influence the pronunciation of speech sounds and the acquisition of phonotactic rules in the additional language(s) used.
Accents are systematic variations in speech production marked by differences in phonological and/or prosodic features, including rate and fluency, that are perceived as different from any native, mainstream, regional, or dialectal form of speech (Celce-Murcia et al., 1996; Valles, 2015). These linguistic variations may affect intelligibility for unfamiliar listeners. However, someone can have a noticeable accent and still be intelligible. See ASHA’s Practice Portal pages on Multilingual Service Delivery in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology and Cultural Responsiveness.
Dialects are rule-governed language systems that reflect the regional and social background of its speakers. These rules cross all linguistic parameters, including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Rules across these linguistic parameters may influence speech sound production. For example, a morphological rule of a dialect to mark a plural by number (e.g., “I see six dog”) rather than using a final /s/ could be misattributed as a phonological error pattern instead of a dialectical difference. Familiarity with the rules of a dialect is critical in determining expectations for speech sounds within the linguistic profile of a person.
See ASHA’s Practice Portal pages on Accent Modification, Multilingual Service Delivery in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, and Cultural Responsiveness.
The cause of idiopathic speech sound disorders (SSDs) is not known; however, some risk factors have been investigated.
Frequently reported risk factors include the following:
Protective factors, social risk factors, and social needs can also influence outcomes. Some of these factors include access to early intervention and resources, language-rich environments, access to health care, and parental education and engagement. Visit ASHA’s resource on social determinants of health for more information.
Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) play a central role in the screening, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of children with speech sound disorders (SSDs). The professional roles and activities in speech-language pathology include clinical/educational services (diagnosis, assessment, planning, and treatment); prevention and advocacy; and education, administration, and research. See ASHA’s Scope of Practice in Speech-Language Pathology (ASHA, 2016).
Appropriate roles for SLPs are as follows.
As indicated in the ASHA Code of Ethics (ASHA, 2023), SLPs who serve this population should be specifically educated and appropriately trained to do so.
See the Assessment section of the Speech Sound Disorders Evidence Map for pertinent scientific evidence, expert opinion, and client/caregiver perspective.
Screening is conducted whenever a speech sound disorder (SSD) is suspected or part of a comprehensive speech and language evaluation for a child with communication concerns. The language of the screening is in the language normally used by the child in the home or learning environment (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 [IDEA]). The purpose of the screening is to identify if a child requires speech-language assessment and/or referral for other professional services.
Screening typically includes
See ASHA’s resource on assessment tools, techniques, and data sources.
Screening may result in
The acquisition of speech sounds is a developmental process. Children often demonstrate “typical” errors and phonological patterns during this learning period. Developmental patterns vary across linguistic systems. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) analyze whether those patterns are typical within the child’s linguistic community or the patterns are unexpected and not age appropriate within the linguistic community.
Assessment includes a variety of measures and activities, including administration of standardized and nonstandardized measures as well as formal and informal assessment tools. See ASHA’s resource on assessment tools, techniques, and data sources.
SLPs are familiar with nondiscriminatory testing and dynamic assessment procedures, such as identifying the potential sources of test bias, administering and scoring standardized tests using alternative methods, and analyzing test results considering existing information regarding dialect use (see, e.g., McLeod et al., 2017). For example, assessment results can be biased because the photos and/or images used to elicit sounds may not be culturally relevant to the student. Clinicians probe unanticipated response(s) to determine if an alternative prompt may be more relevant to elicit a response. SLPs who speak a language different from the client’s or the student’s language might work with an interpreter for assessment procedures. See ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Collaborating with Interpreters, Transliterators, and Translators. SLPs are knowledgeable of shared versus unshared sounds in the languages being evaluated.
Standard scores cannot be reported for assessments that are not normed on a group that is representative of the individual being assessed. Documentation should include reporting, which provides a rich description of the child’s communication profile with consideration of the language(s) and dialect(s) used. The presence of an SSD may not be determined by comparison to mainstream American English (MAE) but, rather, from looking at the rules and influences of speech sound production of the language(s), accent(s), and/or dialect(s) used by the student.
The variables to consider are as follows:
See ASHA’s resource on phonemic inventories and cultural and linguistic information across languages.
Consistent with the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework (ASHA, 2016; WHO, 2001), a comprehensive assessment is conducted to identify and describe impairments, functioning, disability, and contextual factors.
See ASHA’s Person-Centered Focus on Function: Speech Sound Disorder [PDF] for an example of assessment data consistent with the ICF framework.
Assessment may result in one or more the following:
Students screened for SSDs may not qualify for speech-language services under IDEA but may benefit from additional support in the general education setting through MTSS (Bruce et al., 2018; Flipsen & Sacks, 2022; Swaminathan & Farquharson, 2018). MTSS are a data-driven framework to support the academic, behavioral, emotional, and social success of all students in the general and special education settings (Center on Multi-Tiered System of Supports, n.d.). Essential components of MTSS include universal screening, progress monitoring, data-based decision making, and a multilevel prevention system (Center on Multi-Tiered System of Supports, n.d.). MTSS can help SLPs with service delivery and interprofessional collaboration (Sylvan, 2023).
RTI is an example of a three-tiered MTSS framework [PDF]. SLPs can work within the RTI process to identify children with SSDs and to provide instruction to struggling students.
RTI cannot be used to delay or deny an evaluation to determine if a student is eligible to receive special education and related services under the IDEA (Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, 2011).
See ASHA’s resource on RTI for more information about how SLPs can be part of the RTI process.
The case history typically includes gathering information about
See ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Cultural Responsiveness for guidance on taking a case history with all clients.
The oral mechanism examination evaluates the structure and function of the physical speech mechanism to assess whether the system is adequate for speech production. This examination typically includes assessment of
A hearing screening is conducted during the comprehensive speech sound assessment, if one was not completed during the screening.
Hearing screening typically includes
The speech sound assessment uses both standardized assessment instruments, as appropriate, and other sampling procedures to evaluate production in single words and connected speech. Criterion-referenced assessment procedures can be also used to add to an accurate profile of the child’s speech skills, especially for children who use more than one language (Fabiano-Smith, 2019).
Single-word testing provides identifiable units of production and allows most consonants in the language to be elicited in various phonetic contexts; however, it may or may not reflect the same sound production as connected speech.
Connected speech sampling provides information about the production of sounds in connected speech. Activities to elicit a connected speech sample may include storytelling or retelling, describing pictures, and normal conversations about a topic of interest.
Assessment of speech includes an evaluation of the following:
See Crowe and McLeod’s (2020) Consonant Age of Acquisition [PDF], ages of acquisition of consonants in African American English (Pearson et al., 2009; Velleman & Pearson, 2010), and ASHA’s resource on selected phonological patterns.
Severity is a qualitative judgment made by the clinician. It indicates the impact of the SSD on functional communication. It is typically defined along a continuum from mild to severe or profound. There is no clear consensus regarding the best way to determine the severity of an SSD—rating scales and quantitative measures have been used.
A numerical scale or continuum of disability is often used because it is time efficient. Prezas and Hodson (2010) use the following continuum of severity:
Distortions and assimilations occur in varying degrees at all levels of the continuum above.
A quantitative approach (Shriberg & Kwiatkowski, 1982a, 1982b) uses the percentage of consonants correct to determine severity on a continuum from mild to severe. To determine the percentage of consonants correct, collect and phonetically transcribe a speech sample. Then, count the total number of consonants in the sample and the total number of correct consonants (Shriberg et al., 1997).
Intelligibility is a perceptual judgment based on how much of the child’s spontaneous speech the listener understands. Intelligibility can vary along a continuum ranging from intelligible (message is completely understood) to unintelligible (message is not understood; Bernthal et al., 2022). SLPs frequently use intelligibility to judge the severity of the child’s speech problem and to determine the need for intervention (McLeod et al., 2012; Mullen & Schooling, 2010).
Intelligibility can vary depending on several of the following factors:
Rating scales and other estimates that are based on perceptual judgments are commonly used to assess intelligibility. Rating scales sometimes use numerical ratings such as 1 for totally intelligible and 10 for unintelligible. Some rating scales use descriptors such as not at all, seldom, sometimes, most of the time, or always to indicate how well speech is understood (Ertmer, 2010). A parent-rated scale can provide a picture of the child’s intelligibility in different contexts and listeners (McLeod et al., 2012).
Several quantitative measures have been also proposed, including calculating the percentage of words understood in conversational speech (e.g., Flipsen, 2006; Shriberg & Kwiatkowski, 1980). See also Kent et al. (1994) for a comprehensive review of procedures for assessing intelligibility.
Intelligibility can vary depending on context and the familiarity of listeners. Coplan and Gleason (1988) developed a standardized intelligibility screener using parent estimates of how intelligible their child sounded to others. Based on the study’s data, expected intelligibility cutoff values for English-speaking children without SSDs were as follows:
Hustad et al. (2021) investigated intelligibility in children without SSDs—from 2;6 (years;months) to 9;11 of age. All the children were monolingual American English speakers, and most of the participants were White. With unfamiliar listeners, the average intelligibility thresholds of context-free single words for children without SSDs were as follows:
See the Resources section for more resources related to assessing intelligibility and life participation in monolingual children across several languages and dialects of English.
Stimulability is the child’s ability to accurately imitate a model of the target speech sound that the child currently misarticulates. There are few standardized procedures for testing stimulability (Glaspey & Stoel-Gammon, 2007; Powell & Miccio, 1996), although some test batteries include stimulability subtests.
Stimulability testing helps determine
Speech perception is the ability to perceive acoustic differences between speech sounds. Speech perception difficulties are common in children with SSDs (Cabbage, 2015; Hearnshaw et al., 2019). In children with SSDs, speech perception is the child’s ability to perceive the difference between the target production of a sound and their own error production or to perceive the contrast between two phonetically similar sounds (e.g., ɹ/w, s/ʃ, f/θ).
The SLP also needs to know how the child’s linguistic community—the influences of the child’s receptive and expressive language—pronounces a word. For example, the SLP asks the child whether /goʊld/ is pronounced correctly or incorrectly. In speech perception tasks, a child might indicate /goʊld/ as incorrect because their linguistic community pronounces the first consonant of the final consonant cluster (i.e., “gold” as /goʊl/; Shollenbarger et al., 2017).
Speech perception abilities can be tested using the following methods:
Some children might not be able to follow directions for standardized tests, might have limited expressive vocabulary, or might produce words that are unintelligible. Other children, regardless of age, may produce less intelligible speech or be reluctant to speak in an assessment setting.
Examples of strategies for collecting an adequate speech sample with these populations are as follows:
Sometimes, the SSD is so severe that the child’s intended message cannot be understood. However, even when a child’s speech is unintelligible, it is usually possible to obtain information about their speech sound production.
For example:
The SLP may need to distinguish a subtype of idiopathic SSDs (e.g., consistent phonological error patterns, inconsistent phonological error patterns) and childhood apraxia of speech (CAS). Consistent phonological error patterns are characterized by predictable errors and weak phonological processing (Rvachew & Matthews, 2024). Inconsistent phonological error patterns are characterized by weak phonological planning and inconsistent whole-word errors (Rvachew & Matthews, 2024). For example, the same person might pronounce “strawberry” as /sɔbi/, /ʃɔbɛwi/, or /tɔbɹi/ during different repetitions. CAS is characterized by weak motor planning and lexical stress errors (Murray et al., 2021; Rvachew & Matthews, 2024).
Differential diagnosis of a severe SSD from CAS can be challenging (Murray et al., 2021). There is no single measure that can provide a sufficient true negative (sensitivity) or true positive (specificity). Therefore, the clinician uses combinations of measures and markers. For example, inconsistency, segmental accuracy, and prosody measures have high specificity but low sensitivity (Murray et al., 2021; Strand et al., 2013).
See Speech Characteristics: Selected Populations [PDF] for a brief summary of the characteristics of CAS. See also ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Childhood Apraxia of Speech.
Assessment of a multilingual individual requires an analysis of linguistic systems. Determination of the presence of an SSD is made by examining the rules and patterns within the linguistic systems used and not by comparison to MAE. Every language consists of multiple dialects. Some people only use a dialect of MAE and do not use MAE at all. Upon gathering data, clinicians may need to examine responses to determine if they reflect a dialectal variation within that language. There are additional considerations for the clinician to consider.
Prior to evaluation, the clinician gathers linguistically relevant information, including
Cross-linguistic studies reveal that while there may be some patterns in speech sound development, milestones for phonemic development vary. These variations continue as children develop multiple languages and/or dialects. Clinicians consider what is linguistically relevant for the child in establishing expectations for speech sound development. Multilingual children might use translanguaging to communicate. In translanguaging, the speaker may fluctuate between features of and across languages using the linguistic features available to them in their communication profile. Translanguaging is not a sign of a communication disorder.
Pertinent data to consider during evaluation are as follows:
Clinicians identify and assess patterns that reflect cross-linguistic effects. A disorder exists if the speech sound features used by the child do not reflect the patterns of the languages and/or dialects the child is familiar with or uses.
Analysis of data and subsequent documentation centers around the child’s communication profile. In multilingual and/or multidialectal children, comparison of production to MAE language norms and syntactic rules does not provide clarity in determining the potential presence of an SSD.
See ASHA’s resource on phonemic inventories and cultural and linguistic information across languages and ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Multilingual Service Delivery in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. See the Resources section for information related to assessing intelligibility and life participation in monolingual children who speak English and those who speak languages other than English.
Phonological processing is the use of sounds of one’s language (i.e., phonemes) to process spoken and written language (Wagner & Torgesen, 1987). The broad category of phonological processing includes phonological awareness, phonological working memory, and phonological retrieval.
All three components of phonological processing are important for speech production and for the development of spoken and written language skills. Phonological processing difficulties are predictive of difficulties in reading and reading-related skills (Tambyraja et al., 2020; Walquist-Sørli et al., 2025). Therefore, it is important to assess phonological processing skills and to monitor the spoken and written language development of children with phonological processing difficulties.
Phonological processing tasks often rely on spoken responses. Therefore, some phonological processing tasks may not accurately reflect the phonological processing skills of children with SSDs because of their speech errors (Roepke, 2024). SLPs consider the following methods to ensure that speech production errors do not impact spoken measures (Roepke, 2024):
Linguistic variations in pronunciation may influence responses to prompts. Clinicians familiarize themselves with the child’s linguistic system to understand rules and sound production that could influence phonological processing tasks (Shollenbarger et al., 2017). See Roepke (2024) for more information on assessment approaches for phonological processing skills in children with SSDs.
Language testing is included in a comprehensive speech sound assessment because of the high incidence of co-occurring language problems in children with SSDs (Shriberg & Austin, 1998).
A full spoken language assessment battery is performed if indicated by screening results. See ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Spoken Language Disorders for more details.
It may be difficult for children with specific speech errors (e.g., final-consonant deletion) to complete language assessments. It may also be difficult for SLPs to understand highly unintelligible children with SSDs on a language sample. SLPs may choose to use receptive language assessments or sentence imitation tasks (see Seeff-Gabriel et al., 2010) when working with children with SSDs.
For children without SSDs, speech production and phonological awareness develop in a mutually supportive way (Carroll et al., 2003; National Institute for Literacy, 2009). As children playfully engage in sound play, they eventually learn to segment words into separate sounds and to “map” sounds onto printed letters.
Difficulties with the speech processing system—such as listening and discriminating or remembering speech sounds—can lead to speech production and literacy-related difficulties. Difficulties in these areas can have a negative impact on the development of reading and writing skills (Anthony et al., 2011; Catts et al., 2017; Leitão & Fletcher, 2004; Lewis et al., 2011; Walquist-Sørli et al., 2025). Even children with mild SSDs can have an increased risk of literacy-related difficulties, such as phonological awareness and spelling (Farquharson, 2019).
See ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Written Language Disorders for more details.
See the Treatment section of the Speech Sound Disorders Evidence Map for pertinent scientific evidence, expert opinion, and client/caregiver perspective.
It is often difficult to clearly differentiate between articulation and phonological errors or to differentially diagnose these as two separate disorders. A single child might show both articulation and phonological error types. Those specific errors might need different treatment approaches.
Treatment of speech sound disorders (SSDs) typically involves the following sequence of steps:
Approaches for selecting initial therapy targets for children with SSDs include the following:
See ASHA’s Person-Centered Focus on Function: Speech Sound Disorder [PDF] for an example of goal setting consistent with the ICF framework.
In addition to selecting appropriate targets for intervention, speech-language pathologists (SLPs) select treatment strategies based on the number of intervention goals addressed in each session and the way these goals are implemented. A particular strategy may not be appropriate for all children, and strategies may change throughout the course of intervention as the child’s needs change.
“Target attack” strategies include the following:
The following are brief descriptions of both general and specific treatments for children with SSDs. These approaches can be used to treat speech sound problems in a variety of populations. See Speech Characteristics: Selected Populations [PDF] for a brief summary of selected populations and characteristic speech problems.
Treatment selection depends on several factors, including the child’s age, the type of speech sound errors, the severity of the disorder, and the degree to which the disorder affects overall intelligibility (Williams et al., 2010). This list is not exhaustive, and inclusion does not imply endorsement from ASHA. For multilingual children, SLPs consider the communication strengths and needs in all languages and dialects.
For additional information and considerations, please see ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Multilingual Service Delivery in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology.
Contextual utilization approaches recognize that speech sounds are produced in syllable-based contexts in connected speech and that some (phonemic/phonetic) contexts can facilitate correct production of a particular sound.
Contextual utilization approaches may be helpful for children who use a sound inconsistently and need a method to facilitate consistent production of that sound in other contexts. Instruction for a particular sound is initiated in the syllable context(s) where the sound can be produced correctly (McDonald, 1974). The syllable is used as the building block for practice at more complex levels.
For example, the production of a /t/ may be facilitated in the context of a high front vowel, as in “tea” (Bernthal et al., 2022). Facilitative contexts or “likely best bets” for production can be identified for voiced, velar, alveolar, and nasal consonants. For example, a “best bet” for nasal consonants is before a low vowel, as in “mad” (Bleile, 2002).
A core vocabulary approach focuses on whole-word production and is used for children with inconsistent whole-word production (i.e., inconsistent phonological errors) who may be resistant to more traditional therapy approaches.
Words selected for practice are those used frequently in the child’s functional communication. A list of frequently used words is developed (e.g., based on observation, parent report, and/or teacher report), and a number of words from this list are selected each week for treatment. The child is taught their “best” word production, and the words are practiced until consistently produced (Dodd et al., 2006). This approach is typically used before phonological contrast approaches.
The cycles approach combines target selection strategies and intervention schedule. The cycles approach targets phonological pattern errors and is designed for children with highly unintelligible speech who have extensive omissions, some substitutions, and a restricted use of consonants.
Treatment is scheduled in cycles, ranging from 5 to 16 weeks. During each cycle, one or more phonological patterns are targeted. After each cycle has been completed, another cycle begins, targeting one or more different phonological patterns. Recycling of phonological patterns continues until the targeted patterns are present in the child’s spontaneous speech (Hodson, 2010; Prezas & Hodson, 2010; Prezas et al., 2023).
The goal is to approximate the gradual typical phonological development process. There is no predetermined level of mastery of phonemes or phoneme patterns within each cycle; cycles are used to stimulate the emergence of a specific sound or pattern, not to produce mastery of it. Cycles can be used with multilingual learners (Prezas et al., 2023).
Integrated phonological awareness is designed to improve a child’s representation of the sound structure of spoken language. Phoneme awareness tasks, combined with letter–sound knowledge, are incorporated into speech sound production intervention. Skills targeted in integrated phonological awareness might include rhyme, phoneme manipulation, phoneme identity, phoneme segmentation, phoneme blending, and linking speech to print (Gillon, 2000).
Metaphon therapy is designed to teach metaphonological awareness, or the awareness of the phonological structure of language. This approach assumes that children with phonological disorders have failed to acquire the rules of the phonological system.
The focus is on sound properties that need to be contrasted. For example, for problems with voicing, the concept of “noisy” (voiced) versus “quiet” (voiceless) is taught. Targets typically include processes that affect intelligibility, can be imitated, or are not seen in typically developing children of the same age (Dean et al., 1995; Howell & Dean, 1994).
Naturalistic speech intelligibility intervention addresses the targeted sound in naturalistic activities that provide the child with frequent opportunities for the sound to occur. For example, using a restaurant menu, signs at the grocery store, or favorite books, the child can be asked questions about words that contain the targeted sound(s). The child’s error productions are recast without the use of imitative prompts or direct motor training. This approach is used with children who can use the recasts effectively (Camarata, 2010).
Phonological contrast approaches are frequently used to address phonological error patterns. They focus on improving phonemic contrasts in the child’s speech by emphasizing sound contrasts necessary to differentiate one word from another. Contrast approaches use contrasting word pairs as targets instead of individual sounds.
There are four different contrastive approaches:
Speech motor chaining, based on motor learning theories, focuses on the repeated motor practice of speech targets (Preston et al., 2019). Sessions are divided into three phases. The first phase—prepractice or elicitation—focuses on the child distinguishing between the correct and incorrect productions of speech sounds. Once the child meets the criteria, the child moves onto the second phase, which is structured practice using speech motor chaining.
In the second phase, the child practices the target speech sound in the following progression:
The child then transitions to the third phase—randomized practice—to vary stimuli and aid in learning. For additional information, see, for example, Preston et al. (2019).
Speech sound perception training is used to help a child acquire a stable perceptual representation for the target phoneme or phonological structure. The goal is to ensure that the child is attending to appropriate acoustic cues and weighing them according to a language-specific strategy (i.e., one that ensures reliable perception of the target in a variety of listening contexts). Potential contexts for speech perception training include the following (Cabbage & Hitchcock, 2022):
Examples of tasks are as follows:
Tasks typically progress from the child judging speech produced by others to the child judging the accuracy of their own speech. Speech sound perception training is often used before and/or in conjunction with speech production training approaches. See Rvachew (1994), Rvachew et al. (1999, 2004), and Wolfe et al. (2003).
Techniques used in therapy to increase awareness of the target sound and/or provide feedback about placement and movement of the articulators include the following:
Nonspeech oral motor exercises involve the use of oral motor training prior to teaching sounds or as a supplement to speech sound instruction. SLPs carefully consider what a particular oral motor activity is likely to accomplish and whether it addresses the child’s speech sound error (McCauley et al., 2009). Systematic reviews of nonspeech oral motor therapy for children with SSDs provide more information to help guide decision making (see, e.g., A. S.-Y. Lee & Gibbon, 2015; McCauley et al., 2009). See also the Treatment section of the Speech Sound Disorders Evidence Map filtered for Oral–Motor Exercises.
When treating a multilingual or multidialectal individual with an SSD, the clinician works with multiple sound systems. Although there may be some overlap in the phonemic inventories, there will be some sounds unique to each language and different rules for each linguistic system. One linguistic sound system may influence production in the other sound system.
Strategies used when designing a treatment protocol include
Determining eligibility for services in a school setting is detailed in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA). In accordance with this regulation, the SLP determines
Examples of adverse effects on educational performance and social interactions are as follows:
See ASHA’s resource on language in brief and ASHA’s Practice Portal pages on Spoken Language Disorders and Written Language Disorders for more information about the relationship between spoken and written language.
For more information about eligibility for services in the schools, see ASHA’s resources on eligibility and dismissal in schools, IDEA Part B: Individualized Education Programs and Eligibility for Services, and Current IDEA Part C Final Regulations (2011).
If a child is not eligible for services under the IDEA, they may still be eligible to receive services under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504 [PDF]. See ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Documentation in Schools for more information about Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Speech difficulties sometimes persist throughout the school years and into adulthood. Pascoe et al. (2006) define persisting speech difficulties as “difficulties in the normal development of speech that do not resolve as the child matures or even after they receive specific help for these problems” (p. 2). The population of people with persisting speech difficulties is diverse in terms of etiology, severity, and the nature of speech difficulties (Dodd, 2005; Shriberg et al., 2010; Stackhouse, 2006; Wren et al., 2012).
A person with persisting speech difficulties may be at risk for
Intervention approaches vary and may depend on the person’s area(s) of difficulty (e.g., spoken language, written language, and/or psychosocial issues).
In designing an effective treatment protocol, the SLP considers
Children with persisting speech difficulties may continue to have problems with oral communication, reading and writing, and social aspects of life as they transition to postsecondary education and vocational settings (Carrigg et al., 2015; Hitchcock et al., 2015). The potential impact of persistent speech difficulties highlights the need for continued support to facilitate a successful transition to young adulthood. For more information about transition planning, see ASHA’s resource on postsecondary transition planning.
See the Service Delivery section of the Speech Sound Disorders Evidence Map for pertinent scientific evidence, expert opinion, and client/caregiver perspective.
In addition to determining the type of speech and language treatment that is optimal for children with SSDs, SLPs consider other service delivery variables that may have an impact on treatment outcomes, including dosage and format. For more information, see ASHA’s resource on school-based service delivery in speech-language pathology.
This list of resources is not exhaustive, and the inclusion of any specific resource does not imply endorsement from ASHA.
Adler-Bock, M., Bernhardt, B. M., Gick, B., & Bacsfalvi, P. (2007). The use of ultrasound in remediation of North American English /r/ in 2 adolescents. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 16(2), 128–139.
Altshuler, M. W. (1961). A therapeutic oral device for lateral emission. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 26(2), 179–181.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2016). Scope of practice in speech-language-pathology [Scope of practice].
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2023). Code of ethics [Ethics].
Anthony, J. L., Aghara, R. G., Dunkelberger, M. J., Anthony, T. I., Williams, J. M., & Zhang, Z. (2011). What factors place children with speech sound disorders at risk for reading problems? American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(2), 146–160.
Baker, E., & Williams, A. L. (2010). Complexity approaches to intervention. In S. F. Warren & M. E. Fey (Series Eds.). & A. L. Williams, S. McLeod, & R. J. McCauley (Volume Eds.), Intervention for speech sound disorders in children (pp. 95–115). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
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American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (n.d.). Speech sound disorders: Articulation and phonology [Practice portal].
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